The social dimension in the past and future of the European Union.
11 May 2022 - Online - Economic and Labour National Committee, Viale David Lubin 2, Rome
10H - Start of work: Tiziano Treu, President of the CNEL
Philippe Laurette, Honorary President Jean Monnet Association

Gianni Arrigo, Luci sul Lavoro
10.30H- Social dialogue in the construction of the European Union: from Delors to Juncker, the paths of solidarity in Europe
Chair: Marco Cilento, Head of Institutional Policy, European Trade Union Confederation Francisco Aldecoa Luzarraga, Professor of International Relations, Università Complutense di Madrid
Emilio Gabaglio, ETUC General Secretary (1991-2003)
Stefania Rossi, Labour & Welfare Department, Confindustria
11.30H - From Maastricht to the future of Europe. What solutions for the European Union of sustainability and well-being
Chair: Gianluca Pastorelli, Vice President of the Jean Monnet Association
Domenico Proietti, National Secretary of the Unione Italiana Lavoratori - UIL
Giuseppe Gallo, President of the Ezio Tarantelli Foundation CISL
Maurizio De Carli, Head of Industrial Relations NAC
Cristina Cofacci, Head of Industrial Relations and Labour Law at Leonardo Roberto Benaglia, General Secretary FIM-CISL
12.30H - The future of Europe. Latest Speeches:
Laurent Berger, ETUC President and CFDT General Secretary Liina Carr, ETUC Confederal Secretary
Valeria Ronzitti, Secretary General of SGI Europe
Tiziano Treu, President of the CNEL