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Jean Monnet writes in his Memoirs "what I did or contributed to do (and which I have recounted in this book) was born of circumstances, when they arose. It was born of the will of the close collaborators of the man whom General de Gaulle called the "inspirer".Based on the exceptional heritage of the great man who lies in the Pantheon, the Association Jean Monnet wishes to make a modest contribution to the public debate of our time, in France, in Europe and in the world, and to propose a method of analysis and possible solutions in the face of the complex circumstances we are experiencing in this period of great upheaval which is calling into question, and therefore endangering, the European project.
There are many associations, movements and foundations that want to keep the European idea alive and they all have our deepest respect. As stated in Robert Schuman's Declaration of 9 May 1950: "Europe will not be built in one fell swoop, nor will it be built as a whole: it will be built through concrete achievements that first create a de facto solidarity". Each and every one of us can make a contribution to an edifice that will not be built in a day.
The coalition of states has not yet provided the reassurances and guarantees that the point of no return has been reached. It is therefore up to to unite women and menThis is not a matter of fine words, but of concrete achievements that will significantly improve everyday life,
The Association is thus committed to identifying and proposing concrete actions so that we can move towards the United States of Europe that Jean Monnet dreamed of.
Since its inception, the Jean Monnet Association's main objective has been to pass on the memory and legacy of the man who is today considered one of the Fathers of Europe. Today, it continues to share the power of Jean Monnet's actions and teachings with an ever-growing public.
Maintaining the legacy of Jean Monnet also means contributing to the development and strengthening of his legacy, the European Union. This is why the Association strives to convey the values of the Union, such as peace, solidarity, tolerance and the common interest, as well as to shed light on the construction of Europe and the current state of affairs in Europe today.