AJM seminar


14 September, 2024


The Board of Directors of the Jean Monnet Association is organising its annual Foresight Seminar with the support of the Maison Jean Monnet (EP), the European Think Tank CEPS and the European Foreign Affairs Review. For this meeting in Houjarray, we are inviting Members of the European Parliament, executives from the European institutions, experts from Think Tanks, representatives from the world of business, industry and trade unions, cultural players, journalists specialising in European affairs, representatives of civil society and officials from the Jean Monnet Association.

We will be discussing the implementation of the Strategic Agenda to be adopted by the European Council in June, the priorities put forward by the President-designate of the European Commission and other documents that map out the EU's role in the world.

Various working groups will discuss the implementation of the Economic Security Strategy, the industrial agenda and the Global Gateway strategy, as well as maritime policies, particularly in relation to the situation in the Indo-Pacific, but there will also be a specific group devoted to the resilience of candidate countries to interference from EU rivals. This group will be led by experts from the RÉUNIR research group, supported by a European Commission programme and coordinated by CEPS.

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