Appeal for Ukraine


28 November 2023

Ladies, Gentlemen,

Ukraine has clearly chosen the European Union. It is our commitment as citizens, and our mission as leaders, to respond further and further ahead.

In line with our call in favour of speeding up Ukraine's accession to the EU, we call for a "Strategic Partnership" to be signed very quickly between Ukraine and the EU, with the aim of strengthening the links already established and, above all, increasing as quickly as possible the EU's economic and humanitarian support, and thus sustainable priority cooperation on the following points:

  • Building a new economy based on a revival of priority sectors (industry, energy, agri-food, high technology and aeronautics, real estate, etc.), trade (agriculture, IT and advanced services, for example in financial technologies), and scientific, academic and cultural exchanges with the aim of promoting inter-knowledge and exchanges between the peoples and citizens of the EU and Ukraine.
  • Restoration of dignified living conditions for residential buildings and transport infrastructure, health infrastructure, massive assistance to the injured and disabled, agricultural land viable for agri-food production and also safe for residents with massive aid for mine clearance and the return of people who have been forced to move
  • To promote the restoration of the environment that has been degraded or destroyed on about 15 % of Ukrainian territory.
  • As a result, further EU budgetary support for Ukraine is required.

Therefore, beyond the current level of EU aid to this heavily affected country, it is time to enter into a new phase, that we can call pre-accession. This phase should also, in our opinion, initiate a permanent framework for dialogue between the leaders and citizens of the 27 EU Member States and the candidate countries, promoting the ascension and the development of European values, in accordance with Article 2 of the EU Treaty, to strengthen the process of European integration following the model of the Conference on the Future of Europe with a view to creating solidarity in practice and in spirit.

It is decidedly urgent to launch accession negotiations with the candidate countries, including Ukraine, as soon as possible.

This is the course of history; it is our dignity and our duty as Europeans.

Chairman of the Jean Monnet Association

President of the Mouvement d'Action Réflexion pour les Réformes Sociales

Monica RADU
President EU-Human Act

Vice-Chairman of the Jean Monnet Association
Head of delegation of the YUSTE Foundation in Brussels

Honorary President of the Association of European Journalists in Belgium

Journalist, former researcher in international relations at IRIS

Sophie MARIE
Jean Monnet Association Management Committee

Speeding up Ukraine's accession to the EU was a matter of urgency, and is becoming a priority given the worrying influence of pro-Russian organisations and powers here and there in our democracies, and the positions of the United States, which are becoming uncertain due to domestic policies and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, which is understandably taking centre stage these days.

The European Union is therefore called upon to respond further forward, giving Ukraine and the other candidate countries clear messages on the way, particularly with regard to mobilising and granting the necessary funds to enable Ukraine and the other candidates to join.
The new and terrible tragedy in the Middle East, which has been getting worse every day since 7 October, must not be used as an excuse to slow down the process.
On the contrary, we need to speed up and Europeanise Central Europe and the Balkans, as provided for in the EU's founding treaties, so as to guarantee the future of the European Union as a guarantor of prosperity and peace.
The conclusions of the October 2023 summit of the European Council are disappointing in this respect and show the agoraphobia, the false caution, of our national leaders, thereby jeopardising the geostrategic future of the European Union and even its unity.

They encourage us, as concerned and committed European citizens, to remind our leaders and politicians of this challenge which, if not met effectively, risks jeopardising the survival of the European project as initiated in 1951 by the Schuman Declaration, conceived and drafted by the team around Jean Monnet and Robert Schuman.

The signatories of the appeal, all committed Europeans, have a vision of a Europe that takes the initiative, capable of rebalancing the global situation and triggering peace processes.
Our Ukrainian friends are forcing us to give concrete content to European citizenship and the solidarity that goes with it.
They are inspired by the work of Jean Monnet and his method of working ...

Significantly speed up the admissions procedure while respecting the conditions.

This should also be an opportunity to process applications from countries that are still waiting (Moldova, etc.).

The EU and Ukraine have already signed partnerships, but this time we need to extend what has already been achieved so that we can immediately obtain a "pre-admission" status.

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