Yo-Wo - June 2023


15 June 2023

This week we are in Gorlice, Pologne🇵🇱, for the third meeting of the Yo-Wo Cities Network project (Young Workforce - Youth and Gender Equality for Europe`s Welfare) as part of the European CERV (Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values) programme. We will be sharing our experiences and good practice in youth projects, this time focusing on volunteering, disability and immigration, organised by the Autokreacja Foundation. Activities at the two-day meeting will include dialogues with local experts, NGOs, public administration and the private sector, who will show us how they are working together in these areas, all with the aim of sharing good practice and enabling each project partner to implement similar strategies in their municipalities or entities.

The project partners are the municipality of La Pobla Llarga (Spain), the Bulgarian Youth Association (Bulgaria), CARDET (Cyprus), the Velenje Youth Centre (Slovenia) and the municipality of Rhenen (Netherlands),

the municipality of Ujszilvas (Hungary), the Autokreakja Foundation (Poland) and the Association Jean Monnet (France), represented by Zacharie Schaerlinger and its vice-president Miguel Ángel Martín Ramos, and

delegate in Brussels for the Yuste Foundation (Spain/Belgium), as a strategic partner of the Jean Monnet Association.
The project, led by the town council of La Pobla Llarga (Spain), aims to raise awareness and reflect on youth employment in Europe and gender disparities.

Second day of work in Gorlice, Poland, as part of the Yo-Wo Cities Network project (Young Workforce - Youth and Gender Equality for Europe`s Welfare) under the European CERV (Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values) programme, which is currently focusing on the development of

programmes de volontariat pour les jeunes et à leur impact sur la société pour fournir des services dans les hôpitaux, les centres de soins pour les personnes âgées, les personnes handicapées, les personnes en situation de fragilité ou de chômage, et les immigrés.

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