For a European Action Committee


10 September 2024

On the occasion of the European training seminar for federalists on "Federalism in Europe and the World" organised by the Altiero Spinelli Institute for Federalist Studies and the municipality of Ventotene (Latina) from 1 to 6 September 2024, the Union of European Federalists, the European International Movement, the Young European Federalists, the Spinelli Group and the Jean Monnet Association are re-launching an Action Committee of the Union of European Federalists.

Also read

for a Union that acts and protects


What's at stake in the elections?

6 and 9 June

The European elections in June 2024 will be of extraordinary importance for the European Union and its citizens. What is at stake is our future. In the world, we are witnessing the return of imperial powers, we are threatened by war on our continent and the danger of its expansion, while democracy is under attack; and, at the same time, we must rise to the challenge of artificial intelligence, climate change, major migratory flows and growing inequalities.
In this context, the sovereignty of European states and their capacity for independent political action are more insignificant than ever.

Faced with such a profound change in the political history of our continent and with such dramatic risks threatening our society, we, the undersigned, believe that it is our duty to unite in a recognisable network those who believe that the solution is the European Federation, as enshrined in the Ventotene Manifesto, the Resolutions of the Congress of The Hague, where the International European Movement was born, and the Schuman Declaration. Almost 70 years after Jean Monnet founded the Action Committee for a United States of Europe, we want to draw on his experience and lessons to relaunch it, which is why we are launching this appeal to citizens and parties on the eve of the vote to renew the European Parliament.

Participation. First of all, we want to remind people of the importance of their vote in the European elections in June. Democracy functions and thrives on the participation of citizens and is based on the legitimacy and trust that citizens place in the institutions. Voting is the first fundamental act in this respect. If we want to be able to rely on the European Union to safeguard our military, economic and social security - because these are areas in which we need to act as one and in which individual states are now powerless - it is crucial that the consent and will of the people is demonstrated in the elections.

Pro-European choice. The choice made when voting is just as fundamental. Some political forces point to Europe as the cause of our problems, and call for it to be dismantled, leaving the Member States freer. But free to do what? Simply to fight each other, to oppose each other on the basis of trying to assert their own national interests. Would we be stronger that way and able to overcome the challenges that lie ahead? The parties that want to weaken the European Union are confusing selfishness with freedom, which on the contrary is exercised where the institutions guarantee it, respecting the interests of all while promoting the common good and solidarity. This is why it is important to understand that extremist parties do not only endanger the European Union, but also the peoples of Europe and each of us individually; and to support the political parties that are committed to building a more united European Union, more capable of acting and protecting its citizens.

Pan-European debate. Pro-European political forces must be able to talk to citizens about European challenges and solutions. We therefore call on them to develop a European debate so that voters can understand the transnational dimension of the challenges, develop an awareness of the common destiny and also of the potential represented by a stronger Europe, where culture and creativity would play a more important role.

Towards the United States of Europe. Lastly, the pro-European political families supported the draft amendments to the European Parliament's Treaties in November 2023, drawn up under the leadership and programme of the Spinelli Group in line with the demands expressed by citizens at the Conference on the Future of Europe. As a result, these political forces have also included in their electoral manifestos the reform of the Treaties, which is fundamental to the further federalisation of the Union.

As a result, we call on the pro-European parliamentary groups reconstituted after the European elections to make the election of the President of the Commission and his colleagues conditional on support for the launch of a convention for the federal reform of the treaties.

We also call on the European Council on 27 and 28 June 2024 to act swiftly on the European Parliament's proposal, in accordance with Article 48 of the Treaty on European Union, and to agree to organise a Constitutional Convention.

This is absolutely essential if the European Union is to have the competences, including in the field of defence, the resources and the institutional and decision-making mechanisms needed to act with authority and effectiveness both internally and externally, and to protect the values and interests of Europe and its citizens.

Most of the solutions to our concerns and many of our hopes will be decided between 6 and 9 June 2024, with the European vote. Everyone should clearly feel this responsibility and understand the importance of what is at stake. Today, as in 1941 and 1950, our creative efforts will be as important as the challenges and dangers facing Europe and the world.

for the European elections



Sign the manifesto

Domenec Ruiz Devesa

Member of the European Parliament and President of the Union of European Federalists

Philippe Laurette

Chairman of the Jean Monnet Association

Miguel Angel Martin Ramos

Vice President of the Jean Monnet Association

Sandro Gozi

Member of the European Parliament and Chairman of the Spinelli Group

Christelle Savall

President of the Young European Federalists
(JEF Europe)

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