"Clubbing Europe-strengthening active European clubs and creating new ones". is a European ERASMUS + project in which we participate as one of five European partners: thehe Robert Schuman Foundation of Poland (project coordinator), Europahaus Marienberg Germany, Club The House-Youth for United Europe from Latvia, TERA-Maison de l'Europe de la Charente of France and Associação Educativa Nacional de Inclusão e Inovação nas Escolas - AENIE of Portugal.
The project has a double objective: to create new Europe Clubs and to make the existing ones more active, because raising awareness of European issues and bringing young people closer to the EU by informing them and promoting European values is the main objective of each Europe Club.
What is it? that a Club Europe?
A Club Europe is:
- a workshop in which pupils work together on the theme of Europe to get the educational community thinking about European issues;
- place of exchange and debates that allow for reflection on multidisciplinary themes;
- a structure non-formal European education and animation;
- a educational experience with non-formal education techniques that result in concrete productions.
- activities outside the school curriculum (at lunchtime, during school breaks and study hours) and/or in educational settings interdisciplinary (IDD, optional option of professional discovery for 3 or 6 hours, TPE, PPCP, etc.) and/or on the occasion of unmarked days or events organised in the institution
What is the role of Clubs Europe?
The role of CLUBS Europe is:
- To stimulate knowledge of Europe and to engage young people in working on topics of interest to them in an enjoyable, multidisciplinary setting;
- Stimulate the active participation of tomorrow's citizens;
- To create a framework for school exchanges and meetings with other young Europeans.
Get involved! We are looking for motivated teachers to set up Clubs Europe in French schools. If you would like to create a Club Europe, please contact us for more information by writing to the following email address Clubeurope@ajmonnet.eu. We organise training days for this purpose and support you in setting up your Club Europe. Nine structures have already been created.