The WJA is participating in a conference organised by the Kyiv Postet with the support of the Press Club Europe Brussels on the theme "War and media: change in Ukraine - what now?" .
The speakers will be
:: Luc ChénierCEO of Kyiv Post
:: Aleksandra KlitinaPolitical analyst, public activist, and former Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Infrastructure
:: Maria MezentsevaHead of the Permanent Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, Deputy, Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, in charge of the integration of Ukraine into the EU
:: Ilya PonomarevFormer Deputy of the Duma, opponent of Putin, businessman
:: Oliver VédrineProfessor (H.C.) Olivier Védrine, Political Scientist, Journalist, Writer, Chief Editor of Russian Monitor, Member of the Steering Committee of the Association Jean Monnet
:: Alia PapageorgiouPresident Press Club Brussels Europe